Hello, I am Angela Lombardo
Do you need inspiration, friendly support or guidance?
Learn great tips to keep focused on my blog, or consider my writing services to help you get started and maintain a successful writing process. The areas I offer support surround but are not limited to . . . time management, goal setting, storyboarding or outlining, and website and social media development. See how a mentor can help take the spark of an idea and set you on the path to complete your vision.
Do you need help creating a structured outline?
Does writer’s block trap you?
Do you need someone to help keep you accountable?
Is it time to establish weekly writing goals?
Do you need help organizing your ideas?
Could your first draft benefit from an objective review?
If you answered yes to any of the above, you need a writing mentor. Please hire me to be your writing mentor. We will define a set of goals together during our first session and develop a weekly or bi-weekly cadence to fit your schedule. My first 30-minute assessment is free, and then I charge $50/hour as we advance (payable via PayPal invoice).